Navigating to the dashboard, you are able to view the “Recent Payroll Runs”. This overview provides some insight to the next estimated gross pay which summarizes recent and upcoming labor costs accordingly, as well as a figure for the number of “Employees Paid”.

To explore Payroll in-depth, you will need to access the “Payroll” page via the left-side navigation bar. From the Payroll page, you are able to run payroll, view past payroll runs, prepare payroll-related forms, view payroll reports, manage accrual amounts, and manage year-to-date amounts. The Payroll page also allows you to actually run payroll, as well as see more detailed information about the payroll runs.

To run payroll, first click the “Run Payroll” option on the Payroll page. You will now be able to view a step-by-step payroll guide at the top of the page as well as “Other Payroll Options”.

The Payroll guide has four steps:
  1. Select Payroll Type/Schedule
  2. Configure Payroll Run
  3. Calculate Payments
  4. Create/Review Paystubs

Select Payroll Type/Schedule

When running payroll, there will be the option to run a scheduled payroll run by selecting the payment schedule and clicking “Next Step”. Alternatively, you can refer to the “Other Payroll Options” on the right-hand side to run an unscheduled payroll run, pay a bonus, or pay out accrued vacation pay.

Top Tip - Configure Schedules
If you do not have any schedules set up, refer to the employee setup page to configure schedules.

Configure Payroll Run

At this step, you will have the option to customize the additions and deductions applied to each employee (which will be set to the initial values you have provided in the Employee Setup). If you are running an unscheduled payroll, bonus, or accrued vacation payroll run from “Other Payroll Options”, this is the step where you will choose the dates and employees for the payroll run. In the case of bonus and accrued vacation pay, this is also where you will determine the amounts to be paid. Clicking “Calculate Payments” will bring you to the final screen of the payroll run before creating the paystubs.

Calculate Payments

This is where the magic of the PayTickr system happens. Based on the employee setup and hours tracked by PayTickr, this screen will already be pre-filled with hours and earnings for all employees.The pre-filled amounts can include overtime, stat holiday pay, vacation pay, premium pay, and salaries. Adjustments to the hours and/or amounts can always be made at this screen as well.

Top Tip
If employees were pre-configured correctly and time was input accordingly, it is often possible to run payroll with no data entry required!

When making any adjustments to the amounts on this screen, a new button will pop-up which allows you to recalculate deductions. Clicking this option will update all of the source deductions and the net pay amount for each employee. Also, you have the option to add new pay types for each employee, which further allows you to add hourly pay, overtime, stat holiday pay, holiday overtime, commission sales amounts, and other custom amounts. Moreover, you can reset all of the hours and amounts to the defaults from when the screen was first loaded with the “Reset all hours and amounts to defaults” button at the bottom of the page. The “Preview Pay Stub” button available for each employee allows you to see what a pay stub will look like before running the payroll.Once you are happy with your Payroll Run, feel free to click “Create Payments” to finish off the pay run!

Top Tip

You can click Exit/Save at any point in the payroll process and you will be given the option to save an incomplete payroll run, which of course, you can resume at a later point in time.